Written by Brendan Jacobs-Jenkins
Fordham University: Lincoln Center
If you want to find love and understanding, pursue “God” or a power higher than yourself.
Death delivers a decree from God demanding a face-to-face presentation from Everybody from which they’ll never return. A contemporary remix of a 15th-century morality play, through the character of Everybody (chosen by lottery at each performance), we discover that there’s something more we need to pay attention to about how and why we live.
Ashira Fischer-Wachspress, Asa Nestlehutt, Tyler Bey, Lexi Spera, Harry Cooper, Amanda Morrow, Grace Walworth, Nikki Nunziato, and Lilian Rebelo
Design Team:
Alyssa Rosenberg (Costume), Reza Behjat (Lighting), Chen-Wei Liao (Scenic/Art), Daria Kent (Dramaturg), Bryce Cutler (Media), Amelia Way (Sound), John Kolbinski (OBS Programmer)
*Made with Zoom and OBS. Performed Live
Director’s Note:
One of the designers asked me what was the relationship be-
tween circles and squares in our show. When researching the relationship between circles and squares, I found out about one of the oldest mathematical problems that have yet to be solved. Since the Babylonians, mathematicians have been trying to construct a square with the same area as a circle using only a compass and a straight edge. No one has been successful. From this failure came the idiom, “squaring the circle” which means you’re attempting the impossible. One could argue faith in Higher Power is no different than attempting to square a circle. Some might find the attempt futile. I’d say there is a lot to be gained from even attempting. Even if you don’t believe in a Higher Power, attempting to square the circle leads to insights that enrich our lives.